Fourth graders in Ms. Teal's classroom got to practice being engineers and discover how to make simple electrical systems function. #BRCVPA #180daysofexcellence
Mark your calendars!
Please join us for First Grade Curriculum Night on Thursday, August 31st at 5 pm. Super excited to announce that our @brcvpa Specials Fair is in full swing! Our FABULOUS 5th graders created some beautiful pieces with Ms. A this week! Each Friday over a 3-week period, our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students rotate to each Specials (club) option that is available to them this year. We've been having a BLAST! The best is yet to come! #ART #futureartists #artsintegration #brcvpaproud #180daysofexcellence BRCVPA YEARBOOK PICTURE DAY IS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7TH!
Mark your calendars!
Please join us for Kindergarten Curriculum Night on Wednesday, August 30th at 5 pm. Our dancers are exploring our new space and building our community this week. We played “Find a Friend” and “Connected Parts” to learn to move safely around the room and make beautiful shapes with our fellow dancers. #180daysofexcellence #brcvpa #artseducation #danceforeverychild
Mark your calendars!
Please join us for Fifth Grade Curriculum Night on Tuesday, August 29th at 5 pm. Many thanks to our first Friday carpool volunteers! They were all smiles and did a wonderful job!
Each Friday morning, our Arts Staff meets to collaborate on all of the wonderful productions, concerts, clubs, and activities they make happen here at BRCVPA. In order for them to have time to do that, we need carpool volunteers each Friday morning from 7:55-8:25. If you choose to volunteer, you can bring your child(ren) to the gym at 7:55, then head out to the carpool lane. If it's your first day, Ms. Hebert will be out there at 7:50 to do a quick training. Morning carpool is pretty straightforward, so don't be intimidated! We would love to have you! Mark your calendars!
Please join us for Fourth Grade Curriculum Night on Monday, August 28th at 5 pm. It's time to start preparing for our 4th and 5th grade annual trip to the Imagination Campus at Walt Disney World! To support and culminate BRCVPA’s arts studies in those grades this year, we will be participating in the Imagination Campus Workshop: Broadway Magic! Students will learn to:
We are looking for community sponsors to help our Artists make this trip. Please find the attached letter below, as well as a video our students made just for you! Ms. A Needs some parent volunteers this Friday, August 25th, to paint the walls of the stage back. PE classes will be in progress so we are asking the at the volunteers work as quietly as possible as to not interrupt Ms. Wolfe and Her classes. She will ensure that we have the Paint, trays, drop cloths, rollers, and brushes available. Email Ms. A with any questions
Mark your calendars!
Please join us for Third Grade Curriculum Night on Thursday, August 24th at 5 pm. Mark your calendars!
Please join us for Second Grade Curriculum Night on Wednesday, August 23rd at 5 pm. |
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January 2025