This year's silent is ready to go! We've got some amazing prizes you can bid on including the fan favorite "SKIP THE CARPOOL LINE!"
Get signed up now on Then, make sure to share with your friends and family and start planning your bids! There will be no cash or checks this year. All payments will go through the online bidding platform. We will still have a setup at Fall Fest for browsing and bidding! Details: Auction is open from today until 6 pm this FRIDAY. Browsing of items is available during Fall Fest (starts at 4:30 Friday) You do not need to be present to win. No cash No checks No money orders
After many, many long weeks of hard work and waiting, we have TWO community stop buses for our school! We have two buses, the Apple Bus and the Banana Bus. The Apple Bus picks up at Southeast Middle school at 7:25 am. The Banana Bus picks up at Goodwood Library at 7:30 am. These buses work like this: Morning: 1. You bring your child to the stop. 2. You wait with your child and others for the bus. 3. Your child boards the bus and it heads directly for us and Mayfair. Afternoon: 1. You go to the community stop. 2. You wait for the bus with other parents/guardians. 3. Your chld boards the bus at school (and Mayfair), and it heads directly to the stop. This is an answer to those parents who don't want their children riding a transfer bus. Remember that we do still have several direct buses and if your child is assigned to a direct bus already they cannot be added to the community stop. How do I sign my child up? Send an email to [email protected] and request your child be added to one of the two buses. Specify which bus. You will receive an email when your child is added to the route and you will need to let the school know when you plan to have your child start riding. I see children on the bus with ID cards. Where is my child's? The district is in the process of distributing these cards. They are given directly to the bus drivers who give them to the students. If and when we get more information about a final distribution date, we will let you know. It's here! The premiere episode of WBRC for this school year. These kiddos worked so hard on our first show, so make sure to tune in a give us a thumbs up. We will upload a news show almost every Monday at 8 am. We will alternate between the 5th grade crew and the 4th grade crew. Check it out! Hello BRCVPA Families of Pre-K through 2nd Graders!
We will be having our Thanksgiving Luncheon on Thursday 11/16. We MUST have this form filled by NOON ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7TH if you will be purchasing a lunch from our cafeteria. Your child will get free lunch as always. If attending adults wish to have Thanksgiving lunch provided by the school we need to know by NOON ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7TH. If you choose to have lunch provided by our cafeteria, you must pay online through the online payment system no later than Wednesday, November 15th. Lunch will be Baked Turkey Roast w/ Gravy, Cornbread Dressing w/Cranberry Sauce, Dark Green Salad with Fruit & Vinaigrette Dressing, Sweet Potatoes, Assorted Fruit, WG Roll, Milk and is $5.60 per plate. Please fill out this form and let us know: 1. If you will be eating SCHOOL LUNCH 2. If you will be BRINGING YOUR OWN LUNCH. Lunches brought it must be in a lunch box or unmarked brown bag/container. Absolutely no fast food allowed inside the cafeteria. THE RSVP FORM IS DUE NO LATER THAN TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7TH AT NOON. PAYMENTS ARE DUE NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15TH. Remember also that this luncheon is only for students in Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, and Second grade. Grades 3 - 5 will have a luncheon in the Winter. LUNCH SCHEDULE:
CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT PAYMENT Note: We also invite you to visit our Book Fair in the BRCVPA Library, and to enjoy the Fall Visual Arts Showcase! Student artwork will be lining the hallways and commons area. Over fall break last week. Bradlee got up close to some reptilian friends! A a birthday party, several snakes were present for the kiddos to learn about and they event got the opportunity to get some hugs from the reptiles. We love seeing our superstars enjoying life and celebrating being a kid. Please send your pictures to [email protected]. Tomorrow, October 25th, is the last day to order the VIP Experience for your child!
Read all about it and place your order below! We are pleased to announce our student of the year for 2023-2024: Beckett Laperouse! Here are some of the wonderful things her teachers and classmates had to say about her: "She is my friend and she is a good student." "I choose Beckett because she is nice, funny, and good person." "I choose Beckett because she is an all-around ROCK-STAR! Beckett is the type of student that every teacher wants and every other student needs in their life. She is such a mature, well-rounded, kind individual." "I have observed Beckett's helpfulness with others in her classroom on more than one occasion." "Beckett has been a star student the entire time she has been at BRCVPA. She is responsible, caring, and always does the right thing." "Beckett is one of the most amazing students I have ever had the pleasure of teaching. She is extremely bright, but her character is what truly makes her shine. She is always kind, always helpful, and always respectful. She’s seeks classmates to complement or support in any way that she can. She always cheers on her peers, no matter how big or small their accomplishments are. I cannot think of a more deserving student! I can’t wait to see what amazing things she does in the future!" We also want to give a MAJOR shout out to our Student of the Year Finalists, Braylen N and Marigny G! Any of these 3 would make an excellent BRCVPA Student of the Year!
We are so fortunate to have such an amazing 5th grade class, and we are incredibly proud of these 3 Student of the Year Finalists. Next week is Red Ribbon Week. Please find the dress up day schedule attached. We tried to keep it simple and accessible for all.
Note: the only day students do not have to wear uniform bottoms is Friday (Camouflage Day). Our 3rd Grade Mini-Production of "Made to Be" was a huge success! We are so proud of our 3rd graders and grateful for our amazing Arts Faculty that pulled off a great show in our temporary location!
Did you know that all grade levels at BRCVPA are part of a production during the school year? In Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade, students participate in a Mini-Production. These are shows adapted from childrens literature that are approximately 20-minutes long. Students are divided into crews about 6 weeks before their show. The crews are: actors, dancers, singers, and ORFF. During the 1st half of arts block, students rehearse with their crews daily to prepare for their show. They attend their regularly scheduled arts block during the second half of the hour. One week before the show, they move into Tech Week/Full Cast Rehearsals to prepare for the big stage! In 4th Grade, our students create their own show from start to finish! Our current process is based off of a program called "Creating an Original Opera," on which our original arts staff were trained at the Met in New York! We have since adapted this process, but the premise remains true to the original. Students form a company, brainstorm a theme, then break into crews to write the script, compose the music, create lyrics, build sets, design costumes and make-up, handle the technical theatre components (sound, props, sets, backstage, lights, curtains) AND they perform the whole thing! This process takes the entire spring semester with a show in May. We love seeing the personality of each class shine through in the show they create. In 5th Grade, since students have a good understanding of what it takes to create a show from scratch, we purchase licensing for a Broadway show. All students audition for all of the crews! There are audition pieces for orchestra, chorus, acting, and dancing. The students are cast based on their auditions and they spend the entire fall semester preparing for their December show. This year, our show is Dear Edwina, Jr.. We will have performances open to the public on December 5th, 6th, 7th at 9:30 a.m. and December 7th at 6:30 p.m. Our Pre-K 4 students are typically incorporated into one of our shows, so stay tuned for more information about that! All of our shows can be watched on our YouTube Channel: @BRCVPAVideos. (Look for the BRCVPA Productions Playlist). Please visit the link below to access the Parent Power Newsletter for October.
As always, you can find the newsletters for this month and for previous months under Current Parents > Parent Resources on the menu above. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. This year we will be donating our raised funds to Baton Rouge General Mid City.
This Friday October 20th, students choosing to wear pink can wear a pink BRCVPA spirit shirt only. These shirts can be purchased for $10 through the office or online. For $1.00, student can wear jeans that day. .
What to do:
That’s it! The VIP Experience will take place on December 6th at the 9:30 am performance. *The VIP Experience is for STUDENTS only; however, GROWN-UPS may purchase a shirt to support the 5th grade production at the link below as well! **Reminder that 2XL, 3XL, 4Xl, etc. are all an ADDITIONAL $3. Make sure to add the appropriate choices at the online payment center. ***If you do not fill out the form and only purchase the shirt through the online payment system, there is a chance your shirt order will be wrong. It's Fall Fest Time!!
The LAST DAY to order ONLINE is tomorrow, October 13th. You can place your orders for shirts, wristbands, and concession tickets at the link below. *Please note that cash and check orders are no longer accepted. |
Download the EBR School System App from the App Store. Skip the registration part and go to additional apps. Select BRCVPA from the dropdown. Menu. Be sure to enable push notifications!
January 2025