Hello BRCVPA Families of Pre-K through 2nd Graders!
We will be having our Thanksgiving Luncheon on Thursday 11/16. We MUST have this form filled by NOON ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7TH if you will be purchasing a lunch from our cafeteria. Your child will get free lunch as always. If attending adults wish to have Thanksgiving lunch provided by the school we need to know by NOON ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7TH. If you choose to have lunch provided by our cafeteria, you must pay online through the online payment system no later than Wednesday, November 15th. Lunch will be Baked Turkey Roast w/ Gravy, Cornbread Dressing w/Cranberry Sauce, Dark Green Salad with Fruit & Vinaigrette Dressing, Sweet Potatoes, Assorted Fruit, WG Roll, Milk and is $5.60 per plate. Please fill out this form and let us know: 1. If you will be eating SCHOOL LUNCH 2. If you will be BRINGING YOUR OWN LUNCH. Lunches brought it must be in a lunch box or unmarked brown bag/container. Absolutely no fast food allowed inside the cafeteria. THE RSVP FORM IS DUE NO LATER THAN TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7TH AT NOON. PAYMENTS ARE DUE NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15TH. Remember also that this luncheon is only for students in Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, and Second grade. Grades 3 - 5 will have a luncheon in the Winter. LUNCH SCHEDULE:
CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT PAYMENT Note: We also invite you to visit our Book Fair in the BRCVPA Library, and to enjoy the Fall Visual Arts Showcase! Student artwork will be lining the hallways and commons area.
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January 2025