The 2024 Kindergarten parade will be held on February 8, 2024 at 1 pm. Please read thorugh the following information so you will know the routines and procedures for the day.
*PARENT/TEACHER/VISITOR INFO FOR THURSDAY'S PARADE* Link to Parade Route NO ARTS BLOCK TODAY! Arts Staff will assist with providing teacher relief and parade prep/management after the mini-production. KINDERGARTEN PARENT WAGON AND BEAD DROP OFF: AFTER you have dropped off your child, please park in the grass and wait until carpool has ended at 8:25 and the area has been cleared. You will line up your child’s wagon in the designated homeroom line as indicated on the attached map.If you have beads for your child, please put them in their wagon when you deliver it. Please leave backpacks and non-essential items at home. This will make the check-out process go much more smoothly. Do not send them ahead of time unless they are beads to share with the whole grade level. Your children will be in class but someone will be there to help you if you are having trouble finding where to put their wagons. BRCVPA PARKING LOT CLOSED: The BRCVPA Parking Lot area designated by the yellow circle on the attached map will be closed to all vehicles and visitors at 8:00 a.m. (The large section near the gym will be available during the 2nd Grade Mini-Production, and will be cleared immediately afterwards). Anyone parked in the yellow circle will be asked to move their car, as this is the parade line up area and parade route.. All faculty, staff, and visitors should park outside of the yellow circle on the map, or on the grass. RESCHEDULED RECESS Kindergarten and 1st Grade: Take your students to a 25-minute recess after lunch. 2nd - 5th Grades: Recess from 10:30 - 10:55 12:00 COSTUME CHANGE/WAGON PREP: Starting at 12:00 p.m. parents may park in the grass around the school, enter through the front office hallway, and report to their child's homeroom class. Parents can then help their child get parade ready and finish any decorations on their wagons. Please bring tape, materials and/or any other tools you may need to attach last minute decorations as these will not be available at school. 12:30 4TH/5TH GRADE WAGON PULLERS MEET AT DESIGNATED KINDERGARTEN HOMEROOM 12:45 ALL OTHER GRADE LEVELS REPORT TO PARADE ROUTE: (PK, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th) Grades will report to their designated area on the parade route at 12:45. Please refer to the map for designated areas. Teachers, please help the kindergarten students by keeping your classes behind the roped off areas to allow for smooth flow of floats. Once the parade ends, and all kindergarten students have made their way back to the float line up area, teachers may escort their students back to the classrooms. 4th Grade Students will remain in the parking lot to clean up. Trash bags will be placed in teachers boxes Thursday morning. 1:00 PM PARADE TIME! The parade will start at 1:00 PM and the children will be rolled by 4th and 5th grade big buddies so that you and your families can watch the parade! WAGONS/CHECK-OUT (all wagons should be taken to the line up area directly following the parade) There will be check-out tables by homeroom set up on the sidewalk near the line up area for kindergarten students. All kindergarten students must report to this area. Parents wishing to check their child out and take them home after the parade may sign there and check them out. Otherwise, students will remain in the line up area until the teachers escort them back to the classroom. **ALL WAGONS should be brought home the day of the parade; no wagons should be left at school unless you were donating and unable to collect them the day of the parade)** Parents of students in grades 1-5 should report to the office to check out your child/sibling if necessary.
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September 2024